Planespotting Guides for Macau's Airfields and Airports

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Spotting locations, viewing areas, the best spotting hotel rooms and advice on access for plane spotters travelling to airports and airfields in Macau. Use the hotlinks above or scroll down for spotting information on spotting locations, airfield hangar access, aviation museums, preserved aircraft. Plus all the information has been plotted as Points of Interest and can be downloaded to your SatNavs, Google Earth and Google Maps to make planning your spotting trips abroad so much easier and helping you log many more


Spotting Info
Catch the TurboJet ferry service from the Hong Kong Ferry Terminal (come out of the Star Ferry terminal on Hong Kong Island, turn right and keep walking - you can't miss the TurboJet ferries). The services runs about every 15 minutes at a cost of 138HK$ from Hong Kong to Macau and 142HK$ from Macau to Hong Kong. The journey takes about an hour, but be prepared for long queues at immigration, especially on the Macau side. From outside the ferry terminal in Macau, Bus AP1 goes to the airport in a very round-a-bout way, again taking about an hour. On top of the ferry terminal is the helicopter terminal. At the airport, a food hall inside the terminal offers limited views over the ramp through glass - not brilliant views though. From outside on the departures level road, to the left of the terminal (when face on to the terminal) offers some ramp views with views of landings and those taxiing to departure depending on runway use. On ground level at the same side of the terminal, there is a small car park, which offers further ramp views and most things can be read. The other side of the terminal also has views of the apron.
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