Planespotting Guides for Indonesia's Airfields and Airports

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Spotting locations, viewing areas, the best spotting hotel rooms and advice on access for plane spotters travelling to airports and airfields in Indonesia. Use the hotlinks above or scroll down for spotting information on spotting locations, airfield hangar access, aviation museums, preserved aircraft. Plus all the information has been plotted as Points of Interest and can be downloaded to your SatNavs, Google Earth and Google Maps to make planning your spotting trips abroad so much easier and helping you log many more


Spotting Info
Each terminal appears to have a viewing area at each end so it's worth having a good walk round these domestic terminals and there are no problems going up on any of them. There are other various viewing points - the terrace to the right of the Adam Air terminal, to the left of the Batavia terminal and to the right of the Lion Air terminal. All terminals have open air waving galleries on top. Best views are from the Sriwijaya terminal (B I think), although you will have to walk all. Terminal C is Adam Air and gives views across the storage areas and hangars. There are waving galleries at terminal A and this allows views of arrivals and departures on the 'domestic' runway while from the landside transit hotel at T2, international arrivals and departures can be seen. Views of the stored aircraft can be achieved from the waving galleries at T1. Discretion in spotting is advised - minibins are sufficient. Taxi touts and sellers of watches, pens, lighters etc are a problem, more so around T2 but a polite no on many occasions will be sufficient. A courtesy bus (generally yellow in colour) runs between T1 and T2 on a regular basis and it passes the cargo ramp on the way. You buy your visa on arrival - $10 USD or equivalent is required for up to a seven-day stay, ($25 USD for up to 30 days) and there is also the 100,000 Rupiah tax for exiting the country, paid at check-in. The centre waving gallery on terminal 1 gives the best views of the local airlines. The right hand end of terminal 1 has views over to maintenance for the stored stuff not much action seen from here.

Planespotting Hotels
The Jakarta Airport Hotel overlooks the international terminal. All rooms have views but request one nearer the middle as this gives you the best chance of getting inbounds and outbounds, particularly as the runways change in the mornings and evenings. From here you can hop on the free terminal shuttle bus round to the domestic terminals A, B and C. To book, call them direct to make sure it's confirmed. Depending who you get the English can be iffy, but you'll be ok. It's also a good idea to follow up confirming details on fax so they can send back a confirmation to you. Phone = +62 215590008, Fax = +62 215590018. Their email system is rarely working. Room 16 has views of Garuda and international movements. Terminal 1 galleries are better for domestic movements.
The Jakarta Airport Hotel features on for reviews, prices and room availability
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