Planespotting Guides for Hungary's Airports and Airfields

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Spotting locations and the best spotting hotel rooms for planespotters travelling to airports and airfields in Hungary. Use the hotlinks above or scroll down for spotting information on spotting locations, airfield hangar access, aviation museums, preserved aircraft. Plus all the information has been plotted as Points of Interest and can be downloaded to your SatNavs, Google Earth and Google Maps to make planning your spotting trips abroad so much easier and helping you log many more

Planespotting at Hungary's Airports & Airfields has been plotted on Google Maps, Google Earth, and can be added to your SatNav - click to download
All 14 Hungarian locations - where they are, viewing spots, hotels and preserved aircraft can be seen on detailed satellite images, making planning your spotting trip exceptionally easy. All these spotting points of interest can be added to your SatNav to give you another excellent resource to make your trip that much easier and more enjoyable. Please read the Download Instructions for example screenshots and further details

PRESERVED, WRECKS & RELICS, STORED AIRCRAFT IN HUNGARY - their locations are marked in the Spotting in Hungary download

  • 308 MiG21 is preserved on road 56 at the Delta store in Szekszard

  • HA-MDK An2 is displayed unmarked at McDonald's on Ulliot Utca in Budapest city

  • HA-MDQ An2 is displayed unmarked at McDonald's on Szentmihalyi Utca in Budapest city

  • HA-MHU An2 is displayed unmarked at McDonald's on Kerepesi Utca in Budapest city

  • HA-YTV Ka26 marked "PJ-HUN" is preserved outside PJ Benzikut garage alongside road 8 heading west out of Szekesfehervar
    Want to update or confirm the information is still correct? Send in a report


    Spotting Info
    In Budapest city at the southern end of Szabadkikoto Utca. Most airframes stored here at the technical school are outside with a couple just bare frames and a couple stored inside. It's best to arrange a visit in advance to make sure someone is available to let you in but they are friendly to visitors.

    BUDAPEST-FERIHEGY AIRPORT (LHBP/BUD) - TWR 118.1 / APP 122.975 / GND 121.9

    All 14 Hungarian locations, hotels, viewing areas and preserved aircraft have been plotted on Google Maps and Google Earth's detailed satellite imagery and can be added to your SatNav - click to download. Planning your spotting trip has never been easier. Please read the Download Instructions for example screenshots and further details

    Terminal 2A Terrace & Spotting Info
    The viewing terrace is located at the front of Terminal 2A, just follow the signs for Observation Deck. Probably the better of the two terraces and offers the better chance for photography, although parked aircraft can obscure a clear picture. This terrace is the larger of the two with shelter, a cafe, seating, toilets and runs the length of the terminal so it faces both northeast and northwest. Opening times vary throughout the year but are generally 7am-sunset in the summer, 9am-5:30pm in the winter. Please note this terrace has been known to only open at midday and for just a couple of hours. Entry costs 300HUF each, separate entry and ticket. You can't take large luggage bags on to the terrace (though there is a left luggage area at Terminal 2B), and there are security checks on your hand luggage. It overlooks the Malev ramp with 13L/31R to the right. Runway 13R/31L is off to the left, with cargo and GA at Terminal 1 beyond and can be difficult to read with the heat haze and low sun. All non-Malev flights park at Terminal 2B around the corner to the left and therefore out of sight, but everything from there can be seen as it taxis in and out.

    Terminal 2B Terrace & Spotting Info
    The viewing terrace is located at the front of Terminal 2B, just follow the signs for Observation Deck. No shelter or facilites and only faces out to the northwest, it doesn't run the full length of the terminal. No real downside to that other than a lack of a decent view onto the museum, which is within walking distance anyway. Opening times vary throughout the year but are generally 7am-sunset in the summer, 9am-5:30pm in the winter, though it sometimes stays open longer in the evenings. Entry costs 300HUF each, separate entry and ticket. You can't take large luggage bags on to the terrace (though there is a left luggage area at Terminal 2B), and there are security checks on your hand luggage. The terrace overlooks the apron where all non-Malev flights park. The Malev apron is out of sight to the right at Terminal 2A with runway 13L/31R beyond. 13R/31L is just to the left with Terminal 1, cargo and GA beyond it. This terrace does have a slightly better view of Terminal 1, maintenance, cargo and biz due to it's slightly closer proximity.

    Terminal 1 Spotting Info
    Good views can be had from gates at either end of the terminal and you can watch the arrivals from the landside restaurant. If you arrive at Terminal 1, once landside go upstairs to the windows for views of cargo and the GA. Low cost operators use Terminal 1, the rest use Terminal 2. Terminal 1 restaurant offers views of movements but some parked up and cargo may be out of sight. The Terminal 1 terrace is free, is enclosed and looks out towards Terminal 2 and with views of maintenance. The FBO at the GA area has been known to be friendly, a polite request has, in the past, gotten escorted visits onto the apron to photograph the biz.

    Other Spotting Info
    All cargo and military flights use 13R/31L as it is closest to Terminal 1. Low cost operators use Terminal 1, the rest use Terminal 2. Bear this in mind when visiting both or either terraces. The stored aircraft can be seen from both terraces - HA-LRA Yak40 is just east of the hangars and P4-RMB B732 is at the fire station directly in front of the two terraces and inbetween the runways. The exception is HA-LCA Tu154, which is viewed on arrival/departure. It's far beyond the fire station on the far northwest perimeter of the airport, between Terminal 1 and the final approach for 13L. The Budapest Airport Open Air Aircraft Exhibition is only a five to ten minute walk - turn right out of the terminal, from outside 2B there is a small gate under the road ramp to go through, and after a couple of minutes the stored aircraft come in to view. Follow the fence for the entrance. While all exhibits can be seen from outside, entering the museum allows you access inside the aircraft, costs 600HUF and is open 0900-1800 March-September and 0900-1600 October-November. The airport is quite slow in general - busy late morning with the commuters, quiet in the afternoon particularly 2-4pm and picks up around 5pm. Well worth a visit, and if you go, make sure you visit the museum as well. If you are visiting Budapest on a short stay then a Budapest travel card can be bought in the Terminal 1 tourist office. It gives unlimited travel on all buses/trams/metro and free/reduced admission into many of the citys museums/attractions, including the Airport museum for either 48 or 72 hours. Otherwise it is possible to just buy strips of tickets for bus/train journeys from stations. These viewing spots are marked in the Spotting in Hungary download.

    Transfer between Terminals
    To get to Terminal 1 from Terminal 2A/B, you catch Bus 200 from the arrivals level, paying 300HUF to the driver. The destination on the bus is actually the Metro station, but the route plan at the bus stop confirms that Terminal 1 is the 5th stop. Buses from Terminals 2 to 1 are every 10 minutes but to get back to Terminal 2 you have to get the bus by the main road. Coming from Terminal 1 is easier in that Terminal 2 is the final destination, and is thus indicated on the bus and at the bus stop - Terminal 1 to Terminal 2 bus will be marked Ferihegy 2.

    Planespotting Hotels - its location is marked in the Spotting in Hungary download
    The Airport Hotel Budapest is just a few minutes away from the airport on the free shuttle bus. It has distant views of departures, easily tied up with an SBS.
    The Airport Hotel Budapest features on for reviews, prices and room availability Hungarian Sky, Budapest airport website has an arrivals/departures page that gives you the facility to print the next days traffic, for photo spots visit AIRportal


    Spotting Info
    The Budapest Transport Museum is on Varosligeti Korut with plenty of parking available. Closed on Mondays, check their website for opening times, though the Aviation exhibition is closed for 6 months from October-April. Different admission fees based on which exhibits you want to see - if it's just the Aviation Exhibition, entry is 500HUF. HA-ABH An2 is displayed unmarked on top of the Transport Museum Building.


    Spotting Info
    In the south of Dunakeszi town, the entrance seems to be through an industrial park on the north side.


    Spotting Info
    South of Dunaujvaros town on road E73. 973 MiG15 is the pole mounted gate guard, marked "1977" on one side and "1952" on the other.


    Spotting Info
    Friendly, ask for access.
    Sky Escort Hungary Aero Club


    Spotting Info
    Northwest of Kaposvar town, access is off Kaniza Utca and not road 61. Friendly, ask for access and you should be ok to wander around and in the hangars and take photographs. Plenty of aircraft stored here - An2s, Ka26s, Z-37s.


    Spotting Info
    Stored north of Mezofalva village are 16 helicopters. They can't be seen from outside, your best chance is a flight from Tokol airfield, approximately 1 hour round trip flight.


    Spotting Info
    To the north of Nyiregyhaza town, off road 38. Very friendly, ask for access. Lots of An2s stored here.


    Spotting Info
    In the east of Ocseny town, access is off Matyas Kiraly Utca. Friendly, ask for access.

    PAPA AIR BASE (LHPA) - TWR 129.0

    Spotting Info
  • The preserved gate guards at the second gate, around 100 yards south of the main gate, are 1950 MiG15, 1975 MiG19, 1976 MiG21, 2021 MiG21 and 08 MiG23.

  • In a disused part of the air base in the southeast corner are approximately 50 stored MiGs and SUs. Do NOT use the track by the farmhouse, the farmer gets extremely irate with spotters. In Nagygyimot village there is a road that runs north that peters out. Follow it and park just before the railway crossing. Beyond this it gets extremely muddy, tractors have difficulty along here (leave plenty of room for them!) so don't drive, put your wellies on and walk it. Watch out for the mosquitos though. Follow the footpath for about a mile to the entrance of the dispersal, and the fighters are in a long line for you to walk along. Please note, this is an air base, with security. If you do wish to walk onto the air base and walk the line of fighters, keep out of sight of the farmer and farmhouse as they may alert your presence to base security. Take a small pair of bins with you and keep an eye out for the security as well. It's best to visit at weekends when it's quiet. There have been no reports of security patrols, and many spotters have been able to log and photograph each fighter but take extra care, be quiet and don't take any longer than is absolutely necessary.


    Spotting Info
    In the west of Szeged town, along road 55. Friendly, ask for access at the airfield entrance.


    Spotting Info
    To the south of Szolnok town, the entrance is on road 442. On the other side of the airfield along road 4, is the unmarked PZL M-15 CCCP-15187. Turn right out of the airfield onto road 442 and on the second right hand bend is the Repulomuzeum. Open from April-October, Tuesdays-Sundays with different opening times each day and admission is free. Check the museum website for more information.