Planespotting Guides for Croatia's Airports and Airfields

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Spotting locations and the best spotting hotel rooms for planespotters travelling to Croatian airports and airfields. Use the hotlinks above or scroll down for spotting information on spotting locations, airfield hangar access, aviation museums, preserved aircraft. Plus all the information has been plotted as Points of Interest and can be downloaded to your SatNavs, Google Earth and Google Maps to make planning your spotting trips abroad so much easier and helping you log many more

Planespotting at Croatia's Airports & Airfields has been plotted on Google Maps, Google Earth, and can be added to your SatNav - click to download
All 13 Croat locations - where they are, viewing spots, hotels and preserved aircraft can be seen on detailed satellite images, making planning your spotting trip exceptionally easy. All these spotting points of interest can be uploaded to your SatNav to give you another excellent resource to make your trip that much easier and more enjoyable. Please read the Download Instructions for example screenshots and further details


Spotting Info
Very friendly, ask for access. 60206 Soko 522 is stored here in poor condition.


All 13 Croat locations, hotels and viewing areas have been plotted on Google Maps and Google Earth's detailed satellite imagery and can be added to your SatNav - click to download. Planning your spotting trip has never been easier. Please read the Download Instructions for an example screenshot and further details

Spotting Info
Very quiet airport. No views from the terminal landside and limited views from outside as the apron and runway are higher than the roads. There are however two ramps up to the apron that give partial views so some but not all will be logged. One is near the control tower and the other is on the other side of Dubrovnik Airlines' main office. If you have a car, beyond runway 12 threshold next to the approach lights is a free car park with views of all taxiing and landing aircraft. It is walkable from the terminal along the main road (turn right and head towards Dubrovnik town) - it should take no more than 30 minutes and whilst there is no pavement, the road isn't particularly busy or dangerous. Airside, international and domestic flights have seperate gate areas. There is a cafe in the international gate area that gives only a partial view of the apron and runway.
Dubrovnik Airport Website
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Spotting Info
Very friendly, ask for access, though all the residents are parked outside and easily logged.


Spotting Info
If no one's around you are able to see the residents in the hangar.


Spotting Info
71255 C-47 is stored here, it's location is plotted in the Spotting in Croatia Download for Google Maps, Google Earth and SatNavs.

PULA AIRPORT (LDPL/PUY) - TWR 120.0, APP 118.4, 124.0 & 127.675

Spotting Info
Quite an open plan airport, most can be logged by driving along the main road round the complex, or park in the car park just north of the terminal and walk round. Often very quiet so best to check the airport website for movements. 9A-CBF MD82 is stored here, it's location is plotted in the Spotting in Croatia Download for Google Maps, Google Earth and SatNavs. Don't stop at the ends of the runway, the airport police will move you on. Views of military movements here aren't very good, and they don't fly at the weekends either.
Pula Airport Website
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Spotting Info
10676 F-84G is the preserved gate guard and 9A-CBG MD82 is stored on the airport ramp.
Rijeka Airport Website

SPLIT AIRPORT (LDSP/SPU) & SPLIT AIRBASE - TWR 124.675 & 118.1, APP 120.875 & 125.3

All 13 Croat locations, hotels and viewing areas have been plotted on Google Maps and Google Earth's detailed satellite imagery and can be added to your SatNav - click to download. Planning your spotting trip has never been easier. Please read the Download Instructions for an example screenshot and further details

Spotting Info
Upstairs in the terminal next to the restaurants and bar is a small viewing area with views over most of the ramp. The GA park to the left with the airliners to the right. Because of the angle, any airliners parking close to the buildings will probably be out of view. Resident C182 9A-DST parks next to the small cargo building and can only be seen once airside so keep an eye out for it. You can park up alongside the fence near the 05 threshold. This is a popular spot for locals and you won't have any problems here. The road runs parallel to the runway for some of the way, which then becomes a dirt track. You can walk this dirt track right round the whole runway but it's a long walk. Just south of the airport is the military base. There is a dirt track that runs along the perimeter to read off the helicopters with no problems but photography is prohibited.
Split Airport Website
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Spotting Info
Friendly, ask for access.


Spotting Info
Very friendly, ask for access. Despite the Police presence based here for Customs, you are allowed to walk around logging and taking photos. Very popular airfield during the summer weekends.

ZADAR AIRPORT & AIRBASE (LDZD/ZAD) - TWR 123.7, APP 118.6 & 119.6

Spotting Info
Two sections to this airport with their own runways, the sections are joined by a taxiway that a public road runs through. The northern part is military with the civilian flights in the southern part. The public road has excellent views of the civil apron and movements can be easily monitored from the fence next to the terminal where the GA and biz park up. Stored in the military base are 71203 C-47, H-151 Mi-8, 195 MiG 21, 661 Galeb G2 and 50503/YU-DBD UTVA60 - their locations are plotted in the Spotting in Croatia Download for Google Maps, Google Earth and SatNavs.
Zadar Airport Website


Spotting Info
Ask for access at the aeroclub but you may not be allowed round their hangars. If not the hangars have gaps round the back for you to read a few off. Lots of aircraft parked outside the Aeroclub hangar, with the Police helicopter and hangar next door and more light aircraft beyond that. In the other direction are the Mi-8s and the stored Mi-6 RA-21132. You probably won't be able to read all of these helicopters off so head down Student 2, plotted in the Spotting in Croatia Download for Google Maps, Google Earth and SatNavs, and you'll be able to read the rest off.

Planespotting at Croatia's Airports & Airfields has been plotted on Google Maps, Google Earth, and can be added to your SatNav - click to download
All 13 Croat locations - where they are, viewing spots, hotels and preserved aircraft can be seen on detailed satellite images, making planning your spotting trip exceptionally easy. All these spotting points of interest can be uploaded to your SatNav to give you another excellent resource to make your trip that much easier and more enjoyable. Please read the Download Instructions for example screenshots and further details

ZAGREB-PLESO AIRPORT (LDZA/ZAG) & VELIKA GORICA - TWR 118.3 & 119.125, APP 120.7 & 118.5, GND 121.85

Spotting Info
In the terminal, the terrace above the cafe is closed but there are good views of the ramp from this cafe. Everything on the GA ramp can be easily read off but make sure you park your car in the car park and not on the grass verge or the police will move you on. They're ok with you logging the aircraft and taking photos. Parked round near the training school are 52105 UTVA 66, YU-BBE LET200 and another as yet unidentified aircraft. 9A-DFO C310 is parked near the maintenance hangars with YU-BCO AC500 beyond these hangars through the trees. 161 MiG 21 is the gate guard. Northside there is a bridge in the south of Micevec that gives great views of the military ramp. There is also a dirt road that runs nearly the length of the northern perimeter giving a great view of the whole airport and into hangars if they are open.

Velika Gorica
Southeast of the airport is the Velika Gorica facility which is connected to the airport via a long taxiway. These aircraft are plotted in the Spotting in Croatia Download for Google Maps, Google Earth and SatNavs. Many of the stored inmates there can be read off by walking around the fenced off area - many locals walk their dogs along the taxiway and surrounding areas at weekends. You can also drive along the fence reading everything off, just be discrete and any personnel won't take any notice of you. The Zagreb Tehnicki Muzej, with around 10 aircraft on display, is in the city north of the River Sava.
Zagreb-Pleso Airport Website
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