Download Aircraft Spotting at Switzerland's Airports and Airfields for Google Maps, Google Earth and SatNavs (Satellite Navigation Systems)

For just £2.00 you can download the file that will add placemarks to Google Maps and Google Earth to help you plan your trip. I have placed the information displayed on the main Switzerland webpage into Google Maps and Google Earth to help give you a real idea of where you are going and how to make the most out of your trip. The fee is per download, so any subsequent updates will again require the fee - details of each new release of the file will be displayed below. Google Maps is run from your web browser at To use Google Earth, you must have already downloaded and installed it. If you don't already have Google Earth this is a fantastic free download that initially gives you a satellite image of the globe for you to rotate. You can then zoom in and see, in incredible detail, cities, towns, villages, even roads and houses from any place in the world. As I said, Google Earth is free, you should download it here and check it out.

This file can also be uploaded to your Satellite Navigation System (SatNav) - again making planning your journey even easier and saving you time on the roads. With the Spotting Points of Interest in Google Maps, Google Earth and your SatNav you now have some fantastic resources to take with you on your trips, allowing for far more flexibility and more airfields visited. To use the downloaded file on your SatNav, see the instructions below.

Good examples of this service are shown below, with the download and installation instructions further down. Here at Cannes Airport, France, you can clearly see the runways, terminal, viewing areas, hotels, the preserved Beech 18 and a couple of markers to help you navigate the smaller roads round the terminal area to get views of the ramp. The blue path from the terminal to the southside viewing areas and hotel is the route you need to travel by car. You can zoom in a lot closer than shown, or you can zoom out to show an overall view of the airports in this file. On the left side of the Google Maps screen shot you can see the various different placemarks for Cannes Airport. Clicking on one will highlight on the main map. Scrolling up and down in the left hand section will reveal all the other airports that are plotted on Google Maps. Looking now at the Google Earth screenshot, on the left side of this screenshot you see a little over half the airports available in the France file - once the file has been loaded into Google Earth, scrolling up and down in this section will reveal all the other airports.

Green stars - Viewing areas
Yellow stars - Preserved/stored aircraft
Beds - Hotels and Resorts
Blue paths and pins - routes to viewing areas
R - Runways
M - Museums
T - Terminals
H - Hangars
A - Aprons
Cameras - Photo spots
White - Points of interest for guidance
All the information plotted is available in text form on the main page and should be used with these plottings.

Cannes Airport, France

Cannes Airport, France

Downloading and installing the file into Google Maps:

Once payment has been confirmed you will be sent an email with instructions on how to download the Switzerland file. Please add to your Safe Senders list to ensure it isn't diverted into your Junk/Spam folders. Visit the website in the email or click the link provided and enter your email address used in the transaction (this is in the email). Also in the same email is your password to access your newly purchased file - you must copy this exactly or highlight, copy and paste. Now you can log in and download your file. Once the Switzerland file has been downloaded you can save it to any folder you wish. Visit Google Maps and sign in using your Google Groups and/or Google Mail email address and password. If you haven't registered with Google before, it's free, quick and easy to do. Once logged in, click 'My Maps' near the top left of the screen - it's in the horizontal light blue bar. Click 'Create New Map' below it and then click 'Import' - located next to where Create New Map was previously. A box will now appear asking you to import map data from a KML file. Click browse and you will now need to locate the folder you have saved your downloaded file in. Click it to highlight it, and then click 'Open'. Now click 'Upload From File' and wait as the map is filled with all the placemarks. The information displayed on the main Switzerland webpage is as up to date as the information I receive or from my own personal trips, it is correct to the best of my knowledge and it is this information that I have placed into Google Maps to help you plan your trip. If you can update, amend or add anything please email me.

Downloading and installing the file into Google Earth:

If you have already downloaded and installed the file into Google Maps, please skip to the paragraph below as you only need to download it once. Otherwise, read on. Once payment has been confirmed you will be sent an email with instructions on how to download the Switzerland file. Please add to your Safe Senders list to ensure it isn't diverted into your Junk/Spam folders. Visit the website in the email or click the link provided and enter your email address used in the transaction (this is in the email). Also in the same email is your password to access your newly purchased file - you must copy this exactly or highlight, copy and paste. Now you can log in and download your file. Once the Switzerland file has been downloaded you can save it to any folder you wish.

Load up Google Earth and click 'File' and then click 'Open'. You will then need to locate the folder you have saved your downloaded file in, click it to highlight it, and then click 'Open'. The Switzerland file will now appear in the 'Places' section in the left hand section of Google Earth. At the moment, it's showing under the 'Temporary Places' folder - this means that each time you load up Google Earth you will have to open the Switzerland file manually, as described above. If you would like the Switzerland file to always show all the placemarks automatically, you will need to move the file up into the 'My Places' folder. To do this, click and hold the Switzerland file, drag the mouse upwards until it is over 'My Places' and release the mouse button. Now click 'File', move the mouse to highlight 'Save' and a new menu will appear to the side. Click 'Save My Places' and this will always display the Switzerland locations. Please note this file has been created using Google Maps and Google Earth version 5. Whilst this file will work with Google Earth version 4, I strongly recommend that you upgrade for free to the latest version, as using version 4 will mean that a couple of placemarks will be slightly away from where they are meant to be. This is unavoidable but their correct position will be obvious. In the unlikely event that one of these incorrect placemarks is a hotel, it could give you a misleading idea of where it is in relation to the airport. Regardless of what version of Google Earth you use, the information displayed on the main Switzerland webpage is as up to date as the information I receive or from my own personal trips, it is correct to the best of my knowledge and it is this information that I have placed into Google Earth to help you plan your trip. If you can update, amend or add anything please email me.

Using the file in your Satellite Navigation System (SatNav):

Once the file has been downloaded using the instructions above, you can use it in your Satellite Navigation System (SatNav) by following these very simple, easy and quick instructions. First you have to convert the file to the correct format for your SatNav and this is free, easy and very quick. Visit POI Editor, click 'Load POI File', (just to the right of the centre of the screen) and click browse. The kml file is in the folder (or your Desktop) you use when downloading from the Internet, click it and then click 'Open'. Then click 'Load POI'. Any paths/routes that have been mapped out (for example showing the route to walk from one place to another) will appear at the top without a description - this is normal. You can scroll down the list to find all the other points of interest. Next click 'Save POI File'. You can now set a name for the file and the file type (or format) that you want it saved in, for example OV2 for TomToms, CSV for NavMan and Garmin among others and other options including ASC (ASCII), GPX and LMX (Nokia). Click 'Download POI', set the location of where you want the file saved and click 'OK'. Once downloaded, refer to your SatNav manual on how to upload the file and use it.

Version 1 Released 08/11/09 contains all 25 locations listed with viewing locations, hotels and preserved aircraft where known:

Hausen am Ablis
Holziken Heliport
La Cote
Schindellegi Heliport

This file is wholly owned by me and may not be shared, sold or distributed by any means of communication or in any form of publication. By downloading the file you agree to abide by this and to use this file solely for your own personal use.

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A very big THANK YOU to everyone who has contributed to this site. Click here for the credits
NOTE: This site in no way gives permission to enter any airfield or private property and stresses permission should always be sought before visiting any airfield.
(c) Copyright C.Blackmun. If any information from this site is to be used in any way, in any form of communication, be it printed or electronic, then permission must be requested and granted by me, prior to publication. You are welcome to use the information on trips but credit MUST be given to me, as I have done to all who have contributed. If you can update or add to any of the airport spotting locations please contact me. This site exists because the very social planespotting hobby is one of sharing and, I hope, your planespotting trips, whether you are a civil planespotter, a military aircraft spotter, or both, will benefit greatly from the spotting locations and spotting information contained within. My site currently contains airport spotting locations and airport spotting hotels and rooms at UK airfields, UK airports, European airfields, European airports, soon to be expanding to include airports and airfields worldwide.